
Posted on: October 21st, 2019

My visit to the Lego SingHub with a group of Student Leaders from my alma mater, Singapore Chinese Girls School, was indeed inspiring and educational. This is part of the school’s Careers Project to showcase today’s workplace and how employee well-being is so highly regarded. As innovation is a key business driver, it is important to establish an environment to enable creativity, fun and play. After all, the workplace is literally the “second home” to many.

We were also treated to Brick Games to stimulate memory, hone communication and observation skills as well as build team camaraderie. Play@the workplace clearly helps to develop innovation capabilities. The Lego team shared how they embrace technological advancements in achieving operational excellence and staying relevant with customers of today and tomorrow, enhancing marketing activities with augmented reality. However, they remain true to the Lego brick, a timeless plastic building block that expands ideas and increases creative imagination. Lego leverages on Apps such the Lego Hidden Side to improve customer experience through interactive play and learn sessions.

The Lego workplace also reflects the organisation’s strong inclusive culture -a much appreciated insight and “BIG THANKS” to our host.

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