March, 2021

Job Redesign

Posted on: March 10th, 2021

Singapore announced a three month-trial of on-demand autonomous bus services at two locations beginning Monday ( Jan 25 ) as part of Singapore’s efforts to make such vehicles commercially viable.

It is evident that autonomous robots are making their way into the manufacturing, service , security, logistics industries to increase productivity and efficiency. It is viewed as an alternative solution to ease labour supply issues.

Are robots going to take over jobs? With the advancement of innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Machine Learning (ML) and robotics, is the question a valid one?

We are in the midst of Industrial 4.0 where the utilisation of computers and automation is further enhanced with smart and autonomous systems.

Job Redesign is a useful tool to shape the changing roles in work of the future. It can help organisations to thrive on more effectively. In addition, it helps our aging workforce to remain gainfully employed and continue to contribute to the economy. Machines can be used to minimise strenuous tasks and AI can take on the repetitive and mundane tasks.

I am delighted with my appointment as a pre-approved Job Redesign Consultant as part of the authority’s productivity solutions. Looking forward to work with SMEs in the new year! Happy Lunar Lunar to one and all.

Putting on my author’s cap, here is my work-in-progress…

#jobredesign #jobredesignconsultant #artificialintelligence #machinelearning

Salute to International Women’s Day! – Touching Lives

Posted on: March 10th, 2021

It has been 17 years since I was first recruited by MCYS or now MCCY ( Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth )as Deputy Registrar of Marriage (volunteer). I believe that I have been serving as a “Family Life Ambassador “ setting an example of one with a work life balance, then juggling between a demanding job as a Senior Manager in an US multinational company and roles of wife and mother of 2.

It is a delightful community service where every occasion is a happy one. Many of my couples were perfect strangers and we met on the ROM website. But there seems to be a special bond as we connect.

In January 2021, I received news from Germany that one of my grooms in his early 40s, has succumbed to cancer. The bride sent me a message as she was feeling sad & lonely. I hope my replies comforted her. I seem to connect well with German nationalities, perhaps it is my Wella heritage. In February 2021, I was solemnizer for another German groom and a Singapore bride. They are back in Germany and have invited my husband & I to visit them if the opportunity arises.

What started as a social obligation has become more meaningful than I first thought. Indeed, “Love is a many splendid thing!”

#worklifebalance #love #wella #womenatwork


180 Paya Lebar Road #10-01
Yi Guang Building, Singapore 409032
+65 97324388

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